Field Service Lighting


In today’s fast-paced business environment, delivering efficient on-site services is crucial for customer satisfaction and organizational success. Salesforce Field Service Lightning (FSL) emerges as a game-changer, smoothly integrating into the Salesforce Service Cloud suite to provide a comprehensive workforce management solution. In this blog, we will explore the key aspects of configuring and customizing FSL to empower your Salesforce field service Agent, Dispatcher, and Field Technician teams.

Configure/ Customize FSL

In today’s fast-paced business environment, delivering efficient on-site services is crucial for customer satisfaction and organizational success. Salesforce Field Service Lightning (FSL) emerges as a game-changer, smoothly integrating into the Salesforce Service Cloud suite to provide a comprehensive workforce management solution. In this blog, we will explore the key aspects of configuring and customizing FSL to empower your Salesforce field service Agent, Dispatcher, and Field Technician teams.

Certified FSL Team Collaboration

Our certified FSL team collaborates with your stakeholders to understand the unique needs of your field service business. Through insightful discussions, we recommend optimized approaches to enhance customer experiences and save valuable time and resources.

Migration Assistance

We assist in migrating existing field service functionalities from external systems to Salesforce, ensuring a smooth transition and integration.

Tailored Configuration

FSL features are configured to align with your business requirements. This includes setting up processes for easy work order and service appointment creation, defining service resources, establishing skill sets, operating hours, and crafting standard work order templates.

Mobile Access for Salesforce field service Technicians

We configure the Salesforce app to provide seamless mobile access to field technicians. This facilitates real-time updates, ensuring they have the necessary information when on-site.

Inventory and Van Stock Management

Our team helps track inventory and van stock, ensuring that field technicians are equipped with the necessary resources during customer visits.

Reporting and Analysis

FSL is configured to generate reports and analyze field service data, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Salesforce field service Agent

Omni-Channel Configuration

Our FSL experts configure Omni-Channel, enabling efficient customer service call management and appointment scheduling based on service resource skills and geographical regions.

AI-Enhanced Chat Bot Integration

We integrate AI-powered chat bots to enhance customer interactions, providing immediate responses and streamlining the service appointment creation process.

Telephonic Service Integration

Third-party telephonic services are seamlessly integrated with Salesforce, empowering agents to handle customer service calls effectively.

Salesforce field service Dispatcher

Role and Profile Configuration

Our FSL experts assist in configuring dispatcher roles and profiles, enabling them to assign service appointments based on technician skills, availability, customer preferences, and travel time.

Dispatcher Console Customization

The dispatcher console is configured or customized to facilitate scheduling, optimization, and dispatching of service appointments from a single screen. This includes considering driving time and service times for optimal resource allocation.

Emergency Delegation Capabilities

The dispatcher console provides the flexibility to delegate work to other field technicians in case of incidents or emergencies.

Salesforce field service Technicians

Salesforce FSL App Empowerment

Field technicians utilize the FSL app installed on their devices, accessing real-time data to manage service appointments, close work orders, track used parts, and provide service reports to customers.

Knowledge Base Creation

Our FSL expert team assists in creating a knowledge base for faster issue resolution, ensuring that technicians have access to valuable information at their fingertips.


Salesforce Field Service Lightning (FSL) stands as a formidable asset for organizations striving to provide swift, efficient, and customer-centric on-site services when configured and customized with precision. Our certified FSL team collaborates seamlessly to empower your Agent, Dispatcher, and Field Technician teams, unlocking the full potential of this robust workforce management solution. This collaborative approach not only saves valuable time and resources but also elevates the overall customer experience. To explore how FSL can optimize your field service operations, contact us today for a consultation