

Salesforce administrators are often hailed as the crucial link between business operations and Salesforce technology. However, there tends to be some ambiguity when it comes to defining their core responsibilities. In this article, we aim to provide clarity on the significance of Salesforce certified admin roles and shed light on their day-to-day activities.

Understanding the Salesforce Certified Administrator

A Salesforce Administrator, or Salesforce Certified Admin, is an individual tasked with solving business challenges by customizing the Salesforce Platform for stakeholders. This operational role encompasses various responsibilities, including:

User Management:
Creating and managing profiles, roles, and accounts.

System Configuration:
Configuring fields and layouts to align with business needs.

Data Management:
Importing/exporting data and maintaining data integrity using validation rules.

Implementing sharing rules and managing Organization-Wide Defaults (OWD).

Designing processes to streamline manual tasks.

Installing and configuring third-party integrations.

Troubleshooting, Training, and Support:
Assisting users with troubleshooting, providing training, and offering ongoing support.

The power of a Salesforce certified admin lies in their ability to understand how to tailor the platform to achieve the company’s goals.

Categorizing Salesforce Certified Administrators

Salesforce admins can be categorized based on their position in the career path and engagement model. Career-wise, they may be an “Accidental Admin,” “Also Admin,” “Adept Admin,” “All-Star Admin,” or an “Accelerated Admin.” In terms of engagement, they can be in-house, external, or virtual.

In-House vs External vs Virtual Salesforce Certified Admins

In-House Salesforce Admin:
Hired as a part-time or full-time team member dedicated to regular Salesforce platform maintenance.

External or Outsourced Salesforce Admin:
Engaged from another company or freelancers to provide Salesforce services, often for ongoing support or specific projects.

Virtual Salesforce Admin:
Offers technical support with a flexible workflow, providing services for a specified duration to meet the business’s needs.
While the responsibilities are similar, the engagement type brings different advantages based on factors such as company size, project complexity, existing implementations, and Salesforce org type.

For instance, large-scale implementations may benefit from an in-house admin or a dedicated administration department for personalized support. However, businesses dealing with new implementations or specific expertise requirements may find value in external or virtual admins.

Salesforce Certified Administrator Roles and Responsibilities

To delve into the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly activities of a Salesforce Certified Administrator, let’s explore their roles based on different timeframes.

Salesforce Certified Admin Day-to-Day Activities

System Assessment and Configuration:
Creating or modifying fields, layouts, record types, and validation rules.

Account Management:
Ensuring the list of accounts in the org is clean and updated.

Assisting users with Salesforce-related issues and collaborating with support if needed.

Integration Management:
Configuring and maintaining integrations with third-party apps.

Salesforce Certified Admin Monthly Activities

Data Maintenance:
Identifying and resolving data quality issues, addressing duplicates, and updating information.

System Backup and Recovery:
Running a full system backup to prevent data loss and testing data recovery procedures.

License Cost Optimization:
Conducting analysis to optimize Salesforce license costs.

User Access Permission Management:
Reviewing and updating user access permissions for security.

User Adoption Tracking:
Monitoring and assessing the adoption of new Salesforce features.

Salesforce Certified Admin Quarterly Activities

System Health Check:
Assessing overall performance, security, and scalability.

System Cleanup and Archiving:
Cleaning up unused data and archiving or deleting unnecessary records.

Process Evaluation and Improvement:
Evaluating and improving existing business processes and workflows.

System Security and Compliance:
Conducting security reviews to ensure compliance with policies.

Exploration of New Features:
Exploring and testing new features introduced in Salesforce releases.

Salesforce Admin Yearly Activities

Strategic Planning and Roadmapping:
Collaborating on long-term goals and developing a roadmap for new features and integrations.

Budgeting and Resource Planning:
Allocating resources for ongoing support and future projects.

Data Archiving:
Archiving data to reduce storage charges.

Internal Workshops and Training Sessions:
Creating and updating training materials and conducting workshops for users.


In conclusion, Salesforce Certified Administrators play a pivotal role in customizing the platform to meet business needs. Whether in-house, external, or virtual, they contribute significantly to the efficiency and success of Salesforce Certified Administrators implementations. Understanding their roles and responsibilities at different timeframes helps organizations leverage their expertise effectively.

Ready to optimize your Salesforce experience? Contact us to explore how our team of certified administrators can tailor the platform to elevate your business processes and drive success.